Ultra Stable Oscillator (USO) for Deep Space Exploration

AccuBeat’s USO is a high-stability quartz crystal oscillator utilizing a high Q crystal resonator and high temperature stability in the range of 100µ kelvin. The USO designed by AccuBeat, has an Allan Deviation substantially better than the required spec of 5E-13 at integration constants of 1 to 1000 seconds, making it the most stable oscillator of its type designed for deep space exploration as can be seen in the following graph. (Note that the glitch at the beginning is due to the inaccuracy of the Hydrogen MASER reference at 1 second). AccuBeat’s USO has been designed to meet this specification while subjected to demanding EMC effects and the harsh environment around Jupiter with radiation levels reaching as high as 100kRad on some internal components. Please refer to the attached document for additional specifications for the USO.

USO Brochure
These results have been described as “Phenomenal” by Prof. Yohai Kaspi from the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at the Weizmann Institute and one of the scientist involved in the European Space Agency’s prestigious JUICE project to explore the planet of Jupiter. (see attached letter of appreciation).
AccuBeat has delivered the USO Flight Model to AirBus Defence and Space for integration into the JUICE (Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer) Spacecraft (see Video clip below of the ongoing integration process at Airbus). AccuBeat’s USO will serve as the central source of timing in the mission and will be part of a radio science occultation experiment headed by Professor Yohai Kaspi and Dr. Eli Galanti from the Weizmann Institute in collaboration with Professor Luciano Iess from the Radio Science laboratory in Rome University. JUICE is the flagship project of the European Space Agency (ESA) and in May 2022, the spacecraft will set off on an almost 600 million Km journey to Jupiter, where it is expected to arrive in 2030. For three and a half years, JUICE will sweep around the giant planet, exploring its turbulent atmosphere, enormous magnetosphere, and tenuous set of dark rings, as well as studying its three largest icy moons - Europa, Ganymede and Callisto all with the help of AccuBeat’s USO designed for Deep Space Exploration. “The goal is to investigate whether there are liquid oceans under these icy crusts which might harbour organic components or even life” says Vincent Poinsignon, the JUICE project manager.
The USO was developed in cooperation with the Israel Space Agency.
Please contact AccuBeat for further details
AccuBeat delivering the Flight Model USO to Professor Yohai Kaspi and Dr. Eli Galanti from the Weizmann Institute

Integration activities on the JUICE spacecraft at Airbus Friedrichshafen
Video courtesy of AirBus Defense Systems and ESA
Key Features
▶ Allan deviation below 5E-13 at integration constants of 1 to 1000 seconds
▶ High temperature stability in the range of 100µ kelvin
▶ Meets requirements for Deep Space EMC and Radiation levels
▶ Deep Space Exploration
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